Rhizome / Bamboo Barrier 40 mil Thickness

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40 Mil Bamboo Barrier - Rhizome Barrier

Bamboo Barrier
at a Glance

  • Contains Bamboo Rhizomes
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • Built-In UV Stabilization
  • Made with Recyclable Materials
  • 100 year in-ground lifespan
  • Joins vertically or horizontally with HDPE Sealant Tape
  • Easy to cut with a standard utility knife
  • Deflection side is chrome rolled to provide a superior protection surface

Thickness Comparison Video

View the differences between the various thicknesses of bamboo barrier that we offer.


3/64 of an inch or 1.19 mm


For standard bamboo containment applications.

How Deep Does My Barrier Need to Be?

Typical bamboo rhizomes grow into the first 12” of soil. Rhizomes are responsible for spreading the growth of the bamboo plant. (As opposed to the bamboo’s roots which do not spread the growth of the bamboo). As a measure of caution we only sell 18” and deeper bamboo barrier. Just because typical rhizomes exist in the top 12” of soil doesn’t mean that the rhizomes can’t go deeper. Due to the fact that it takes just one rhizome to spread the plant throughout your yard it is far better to go a bit deeper with your barrier than you need to than not deep enough. The most commonly installed barrier depths that our customers install are 24” and 30”.

Please note, this is general information and certain species of bamboo planted in certain soils can send rhizomes much deeper. It is for this reason that we provide barrier options up to a maximum depth of 60” (60 mil only). Please consult a certified arborist for additional information bamboo specific growing patterns in your area.

A Note About 40 Mil Barrier:

Our 40 mil bamboo barrier is appropriate for standard bamboo containment applications. Many bamboo varieties are adequately contained with the use of rhizome barrier measuring 40 mil in material thickness by 24" in depth. For aggressive bamboo species consider our 60 mil bamboo barrier which provides enhanced puncture resistance and higher overall durability.


40 mil HDPE rhizome barrier is designed to contain bamboo and other invasive species. The 40 mil thickness is widely recognized as the baseline thickness acceptable in effective bamboo containment.

Bamboo is a fantastic garden plant due to it’s ability to grow quickly and provide privacy as well as aesthetic beauty. When bamboo is left un-contained it can spread throughout a landscape providing a major maintenance issue as well as damage to hardscapes or other delicate plantings.

Our rhizome barrier is composed of heavy-duty HDPE and provides a smooth surface which acts as a very effective root-stop. The bamboo rhizomes (roots) will not penetrate the barrier but instead grow along the side of the barrier instead.


Below are steps that are involved when installing bamboo barrier around a bamboo plant.


Step 1

Dig a trench on the site where you want to plant your bamboo. Remove the topsoil and the heavier sub-soil. When preparing the site, you should be careful not to create tight corners as this may result in the barrier collapsing due to unnecessary stress to the material.


Step 2

Dig a trench on the site where you want to plant your bamboo. Remove the topsoil and the heavier sub-soil. When preparing the site, you should be careful not to create tight corners as this may result in the barrier collapsing due to unnecessary stress to the material.


Step 3

Choose the correct bamboo barrier for your application. We recommend 60 mil and thicker barriers for most agressive bamboo containment applications.


Step 3

Place the bamboo barrier in the trench. The wall should stand out of the soil by at least two inches. Plastic protruding above grade is essential for preventing the rhizomes from escaping over the top without you knowing.


Step 5

Overlap the barrier by 4' and use double-sided seam tape within the overlap to ensure rhizomes cannot breach the joined pieces sections. Place a number of vertical strips within the overlap.


Step 6

Backfill the trench with subsoil first and compact it to drive out any air pockets. Then complete the backfilling with the top light soil and pack it tight. Make sure there are no sharp objects when filling up the trench, including glass, stones, metal, or tree roots.



In order to control bamboo effectively, proper maintenance must be performed on a seasonal basis. Bamboo rhizomes spread outward from the center of the plant in either spring, summer or fall depending on your location.

Simply dig a trench around the area where the bamboo is planted, place the barrier in the trench and back-fill. Be sure to install the barrier 2” above the finish grade of the soil. This will allow the gardener to monitor and catch bamboo rhizomes that are attempting to “jump the barrier” Cut any rhizomes attempting to overgrow the barrier and remove. If this process is performed annually, the procedure should be easy due to the fact that the rhizomes are soft and easy to remove.


We offer free ground shipping on all of our bamboo barriers. Most orders ship same day if placed before 12:00 PM EST. Transit times are displayed in business days and are approximate.

The Advantages Of Planting And Growing Bamboo

Bamboo has several qualities over other materials that should be considered when installing protective solutions for your yard and garden or an added touch to your landscape. Bamboo grows easily in many different kinds of soil including sand and clay. Its root system is approximately 30cm for smaller bamboo and 50cm for larger varieties. Although soil is not a priority, providing a good topsoil can make a difference. One very important choice is feeding the bamboo on top of the soil with a good thick layer of mulch and providing regular fertilizing for healthy growth. Bamboo likes well-drained soil. not swampy areas or grounds loaded with water for long periods of time.

Products made of bamboo

Bamboo Made Products

When Your Bamboo Arrives

When you bring home bamboo plants or have them delivered, you must get them planted as quickly as possible. If you are not able to get them planted right away, move them to a shady area with very little wind. Keep in mind, the plants have probably gone for a while without water, give them a good soaking. If the leaves are withered or rolled, that is a sign the bamboo is in desperate need of water.

Various Stages Caused By Lack of Water

Leaf curl is a definite sign that your bamboo needs good watering. There are stages you need to keep an eye on. If the leaves are curled a good watering should generally unfurl the leaves within one to two hours without causing damage to the plant. The next step, check to make sure the root ball is not dry causing permanent damage to the plant and leaves. If the leaves are yellow or brown, there could be serious damage but if the plant gets proper watering, it should recover without long-term damage. Damaged leaves will fall off but should be replaced with new ones within a few weeks. If all the leaves fall off, the culms will dry out and not be able to produce new side branches or foliage. It is possible if the plant reaches this stage, it will likely die. Cutting off the top of the bamboo can stop the loss of water letting the plant to come back with new shoots from the ground but the overall growth will be slower.


Dig the holes twice the width of the pot's diameter or planter bag. Bamboo has shallow roots and will grow horizontally instead of down. Any improvements to the soil will help. Focus on the topsoil for any improvements.

If you have clay soil, break it up a bit using compost or work organic matter into the soil. Use Dolomite or Gypsum to break up hard clay soil. If you have sandy soil, add compost or a heavy garden soil to give the soil the ability to hold water.

Bamboo Sold In Plastic Bags

In many cases, the bamboo plants are sold in plastic bags. Cut open the bags and pull it off. The roots should not be teased out, it can damage the root system. Backfill the soil around the root ball then provide a really good watering. The watering will settle the loose soil around the root ball. It's critical to remove all air pockets around the roots.

Bamboo fencing

Bamboo Fence

NOTE - Poor backfilling of the soil or overlooking air pockets around the roots can cause the root balls to dry out and cause stress to the bamboo. You do not have to build a mound around the plant, just plant it level to the ground leaving a small moat around the plant to collect water. The only exception would be if the soil is wet, swampy, or the soil is clay it's a good idea to mound up the area where you will be planting to avoid water logging.

Some bamboo plants might be a little taller and culms might not be perfectly upright and exposed after planting. (Culms are the hollow stems on the plant.) Winter is not the best time to plant bamboo. You can still plant in the winter but it will take time and patience Spring and summer are the best seasons.

Tranquil Backyard

Japanese Garden in Backyard


After planting, the bamboo must be well watered for the next two months or so. The watering should be a deep soaking every few days. If the bamboo is planted in the middle of summer, and the ground is very dry, you might have to water it on a daily basis. Keep in mind, it takes some time for the bamboo roots to ground out into the surrounding soil so concentrate on the root balls. New side branches and foliage will grow from the culms followed by new shoots appearing from the ground. The roots will grow quickly during the summer versus the winter months.

Once these plants are established, they will be quite hardy and will not die off if not watered but should be watered regularly for good results. Don't get trapped into thinking if you have a sprinkler system the newly planted bamboo will get enough water. You need to check them each day. If you notice any wilting or the plants seem dry, remove the mulch and dig down to the side of the root ball to see if the water made it down there. If not, increase the watering time and the amount of water.

Drippers can be used on the root balls for the first few months but as the plants continue to grow you will have to fertilize. Bamboo like all grasses needs nitrogen. In general, all fertilizers for lawns and grasses are good for bamboo.

Bamboo in Garden Bed

Garden Bed with Bamboo

When Your Bamboo Arrives

A good layer of mulch should be 50 to 100mm deep. Mulching the soil will:

• Reduce the loss of moisture
• Offer organic matter to the plant will decompose and feed the bamboo.
• It will prevent grass weeds from growing up around the plants.

The best mulch is organic as it will decompose in order to enrich the soil and give the bamboo nutrients. A good start would be raking leaves around the bamboo. Other great options are sugar can mulch or green grass clippings if composted first or thinly spread around the plants. You do not have to keep the mulch away from the bamboo stems. It will not affect the bamboo as new shoots will emerge from the layer of mulch.


Eco 88s and SuperGrass are excellent organic blends of fertilizers that are great choices for bamboo due to the added levels of nitrogen. Other fertilizers include Katek, Incitec, Pivot CK88, or Crop King 88. Any fertilizer for grass, palms, and lawns is good for bamboo. These fertilizers offer granular nitrogen that should be spread on top of the soil and then watered. They should not be placed in the holes where the plants are because the formula can harm the roots.

For smaller bamboo plants, use approximately a heaped tablespoon of fertilizer spread out within a foot from the plant to encourage the roots to grow outward.


Mature Clumps of Bamboo

For mature clumps of bamboo, spread 5 to 10 handfuls around each plant (1 to 2 meter radius from the clump). Fertilizers should be added directly after planting and during the main growth season. The main growth season is between November and April. Fertilizing around September and October will get your plants off to a great start. Then fertilize every one or two months up to April. Organic fertilizer like Dynamic Lifter or Blood-and-Bone, seaweed fertilizers, and manure are fine to use but your bamboo will benefit from additional nitrogen.

Bamboo House Plant

House Plant of Bamboo

To cut branches use pruning clippers. If you are working with large bamboo plants you can use a chainsaw for easier work. The smaller, bushier plants can be cut from the top to restrict growth in height. In general, they have plenty of foliage to hide the cutoff stems and still remain quite beautiful. That said, the larger bamboo plants can look a little strange if the tops are cut off. Bamboo can be easily shaped to fit your needs. For other looks, you can cut off branches in order to see the culms. So go for it and cut off as much as you want. With thing about bamboo, you can shape it to fit your garden or taste.

Bamboo Forest

Wild Bamboo

Products Made From Bamboo

Due to its flexibility, appealing good looks, and long-lasting quality, bamboo is a very popular material for many products. Bamboo has been a very popular material used for the production of many items found in many homes. Chances are, you have bamboo sitting in your home right now.

Bamboo Throw Rugs

Bamboo is an excellent material for throw rugs in any room within your home. It blends beautifully with so many different designs and decors while creating a relaxing environment. Bamboo rugs are anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic even if you suffer from different allergens bamboo will not be a problem.

Bath Mats

You will find an enormous selection of mats to choose from and have peace of mind that you and your family will not deal with any toxic elements.

Bamboo Accessories

There are so many accessories made from bamboo it's hard to keep up with. Need cups or soap dishes for your bathroom? Not a problem - bamboo offers an unmatched beauty for just the right touch and will last a long time.


Bamboo sunglasses are very fashionable, look great with any outfit, and withstand years of use without losing their shape or long-lasting quality. On top of that, these sunglasses will protect your eyes from UV rays.

Bamboo Cutlery

Bamboo Plates and Cutlery

Bamboo Brushes

Whether you need a hairbrush or a toothbrush, you can't go wrong choosing bamboo. Bamboo toothbrushes will not break like plastic does and will not cause toxins to land in your mouth. Bamboo hairbrushes will give you the quality you expect when looking for a hair brush. You can brush your hair without worrying about any toxins landing on your skin and scalp. Absolutely nothing will get into your hair or scalp, you will be safe.

Organizers For Your Desk Or Counter

Bamboo organizers are very stylish and durable to last for a long time. If something falls off your desk or counter, it will not break.

Window Shades

If you want shades for your windows but not cut off all visible signs of the outdoors, bamboo shades might just be the answer. So many different shades will cut off all light from the outside world turning your room into a cave! Bamboo allows light to enter without disturbing your privacy. They are available in many different colors or hues, you can cut off some unwanted rays of sun while adding a wonderful tropical touch to your room. Choose lovely a natural bamboo for your windows then let your imagination create an incredible new look for your room.


Backpacks are created to carry things around whether you are hiking or moving from one place to another. Unfortunately, they can become heavy and cause issues with your back. Bamboo backpacks are lightweight making it easier to get things moved from one place to another. Also, because bamboo is resistant to wear and tear, these backpacks will last a very long time.

Wild Bamboo

Bamboo in Nature

Bamboo Food

Yes, bamboo is also used in the preparation of food dishes! Bamboo shoots can be sliced, or sauteed then served with fish or meat. The crunchy texture makes them perfect for serving them with vegetables or stir-fried. These shoots are excellent for hors d'oeuvre or alone with vegetables.

Backyard with Bamboo

Bamboo in Backyard

Toilet Paper

If you are environmentally conscious, bamboo toilet paper it just as soft and absorbent as standard toilet paper and will not seep chemicals or toxin into the environment. If you are just learning how valuable bamboo can be in your everyday life, you now know bamboo is an incredible material for so many uses.

In Conclusion

Bamboo is a wonderful material used for so many things including furniture and window shades. These wonderful plants can be shaped and grown to fit your taste and garden design. Just make sure you follow the watering and care required for these wonderful plants.


  • 4
    this one barrier

    Posted by rich bonnett on Jun 21st 2017

    Easy to work with, and good quality

  • 5
    Love It!

    Posted by Unknown on Sep 19th 2016

    Was searching for a long term solution to stop sand traveling through a block retaining wall. Replaced the existing rotted liner with 40 mil barrier.